03 August, 2015

Ted Cruz Still a Pathetic Clown. A Reminder

One would think that with the billionaire-backers showering money on these assholes, that they could hire some writers with a modicum of wit, up the production-value, and produce YouTube-ready videos, that while still showing their utter lack of gravitas and desperation for attention, would be at least...a little funny.  Instead:

Hey, we need to make a 'viral' video for Ted so it'll get played by the mainstream news and remind Americans that he still exists.  I know: everyone likes bacon, right ?*, and Americans love them some guns.  So why don't we combine the three ?  Genius !

If he were running for class-president in a school in Katy, Texas, I'd be impressed with little fifteen-year-old Rafael's efforts in the Audio/Visual Club.  But he's not.

* Bacon is over-rated as fuck in my opinion.

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