16 August, 2015

Link Dump (Fun with Fascism ! Edition)

In West Yorkshire, the police make people homeless, then mock them on Twitter for it.

Prisoners tortured and beaten in New York prison in wake of escape of fellow prisoners Sweat & Matt.

Jeff Bezos on 'very, very, very expensive' acquisition of Top Gear*.  Have Amazon ever made a profit ?

Boing Boing: Stephen Harper will use 12-18 year old junior rangers to fight the Russians

David Cameron: I want every school to become an academy.  Well, of course you do.

The Independent: Genetically-engineered opiates could lead to illicit 'home-brewed' heroin, scientists warn (Opiates for the masses, Gasp !)

China and India look to joining up with Russia on drilling in the Arctic.  Huh, our attempt at isolation of Russia over Ukraine is working brilliantly, no ?

AT&T worked closely (and enthusiastically perhaps ?) with the NSA to aid in spying on Americans and others, including the United Nations ?  No !  Say, it ain't so !  Not good ole' AT&T, surely ?

Fox News: 5 secrets to make you fall in love with Windows 10.  No, wait, I'll save you the trouble:
  1. Seek out experts in illegal memory-manipulation to erase any memory you may have of Windows 7, or of the world prior to Vista generally**.
  2. Use Windows 8.0 for twenty-four hours
  3. Use Vista for twenty-four minutes
  4. Hit self over head with shovel whilst chugging Smirnoff vodka
  5. Repeat steps 1-4 as needed

Speaking of which, Boing Boing has more on Windows 10's 'spying' on users

There is truly no limit to the films/franchises that Hollywood will not ruin in the name of bottomless greed: http://www.theguardian.com/film/2015/aug/12/beetlejuice-2-is-really-happening-confirms-winona-ryder.  And in the case of ill-thought-through reboots of truly iconic figures, we need not even wait for the stars (*cough*, Man from Uncle, *cough*) to die before we shit all over their legacy.

The latest book to be banned: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime, by the Principal of a school in Tallahassee, Florida.  Because it didn't 'show proper reverence for God and the Christian faith'.  I guess I can see why, what with the character's thought-process having the ability to inspire critical thinking, and how that might threaten religious conservatives.  Regardless, fuck this, and fuck them.

The LA Times somehow...has the balls to tell Ted Rall that they are doubling down on his unjustified firing, even in light of the apparently exonerating evidence of the cleaned-up tape.  Lawsuit, here we come...***

The Indy: Cats vs dogs: Scientists confirm that felines are better... from an evolutionary perspective

How playing Tetris can help ease cravings for drugs, sex, etc.

Whistleblower Chelsea (formerly Bradley) Manning facing indefinite solitary confinement for, amongst other things, possession of 'expired' toothpaste and magazines (with, for some inexplicable reason, the magazine with Caitlyn/Bruce on the cover attracting the most headlines).  Meanwhile, another high-ranking leaker of state-secrets (rhymes with 'slay us') continues to walk free.

The absurdly low standards in the United States for getting a warrant for a raid.

Boris Johnson trying to talk Cameron into early retirement ?: http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/aug/13/boris-johnson-conservative-leadership-london-mayor-tory-thrusters

Veteran astronaut's claims regarding peaceful aliens' attempts to prevent nuclear war on Earth.  By far, the best part of which is this, from readers of the Mirror:

The lengths to which paparazzi-scum will go to get pictures of the maybe one-day future-king of the rUK...despite his parents if anything oversharing with the media thus far.

BBC: Global warming increases 'food shocks' threat.

The Independent: Humans definitely killed off woolly mammoths, giant armadillo and sabretooth tiger, scientists claim

ThinkProgress: Happy Earth Overshoot Day! We’ve Now Used All Our Resources For The Year.

Yes, for any rock-shelterers out there, Sesame Street is moving to HBO.  The Atlantic makes as close as you're likely to find to a defence of the move.

Shocking !  Black bears, and presumably, other animals, don't like drones spying on them any more than we do.

Foreign Policy on the need for a second-tier Euro for the 'Losers' of the Eurozone.

The WaPo: Carly Fiorina’s conversion from Hillary Clinton fan to fervent critic.

Right-wing lying asshole repeatedly attempts to violate the US border with México; gets pissed when somehow this attracts the attention of the Department of Homeland Security.

The DHS' 'no-fly' list based upon unspecified assessment of pre-criminal intentions, as determined by the government, rather than any actual criminal activity.  Constitutional ?  Who cares, sez the govt.

Thanks again George Lucas !  http://www.foxnews.com/travel/2015/08/16/disney-announces-star-wars-themed-lands-for-florida-california-parks/

And finally, never cared much for Funny or Die myself, but if they can make the cast of Fox News' The Five this mad, they must be doing something right...Stalin & the Devil !

Original video here.

* And some other shit if you can be bothered to read it.

** Never mind Linux systems back before the minimalists in the Gnome project ruined everything.

*** Meanwhile, as the big US media-outlets continue to ignore the story, the Graun. is on it: http://www.theguardian.com/media/2015/aug/15/ted-rall-los-angeles-times-lapd-police-cartoon

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