03 August, 2015

Cilla Black

Belated, but then...I'm not exactly BBC Breaking News:

This, right here, is why I hate Twitter.  A woman (who happens for many to be a beloved celebrity, not that any death isn't tragic) dies, and because the BBC didn't get out a tweet quickly enough for the Twitterverse, people respond with a torrent of complaints about the BBC and the licence-fee.

Not that all the responses are like that:

Three little letters would suffice.  Or one could say nothing at all.  And people are free to send in their official complaints to the BBC at any time.

Not that the BBC as I've known it all my life will likely exist much longer with the Tories eager to destroy it once and for all.  And then those so disgusted and outraged above will all be happy bunnies again no doubt.  Or not.


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