27 August, 2015


Armando Iannucci on the BBC:
If public-service broadcasting, one of the best thing we've ever done creatively as a country...if it was a car industry, our ministers would be out championing it overseas, trying to win contracts, boasting of the British jobs that would bring.  
If the BBC were a weapons-system, half the cabinet would be on a plane to Saudia Arabia to tell them how brilliant it was.
And yet, it's quite the reverse: They talk of cutting down to size, of reining in imperialist ambitions, of hiving off, of limiting the scope, and they do it with all the manic glee of a doctor ever so reasonably urging his patient to consider the benefits of assisted suicide.

Not that I don't agree with many criticisms of the BBC myself, such as, for one, that it shouldn't be competing with the commercial networks for the rights to rebroadcast popular shows from the US.*

* Championing content from other European networks, that would likely not otherwise be seen, on the other hand, I support wholeheartedly.

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