07 August, 2015

Ted Rall v. the LAPD/LA Times, Continuing

Slowly, slowly, media-outlets are coming around to covering Rall's apparent vindication in his firing by the LAPDLA Times.  Boing Boing above.

They really shouldn't have fired* Ted without an appropriate investigation in the first place, but...that window's come and gone.  And, I'd guess that any legal advice the LA Times may be getting at this point probably goes basically along the lines of  'Keep your mouth closed and shut the fuck up whatever you do.'  There's a lawsuit coming here, and my guess is we won't hear one word further from the LAT** till that result is concluded.  After which exercise, perhaps a retraction...on page 54 or so.

Here's hoping Ted's got some damn good lawyers lined up.

And as for apologies from the various right-wing outlets that convicted Ted online immediately, well we may be waiting a while there also.

Meanwhile, Ted has this, er, on-topic piece on his site from South African cartoonist John Curtis, who does a pretty decent imitation of Ted's style at that:

Damn.  I'd go for a legal disclaimer there myself, but then, I ain't Ted...by a long shot.

* IANAL, but I suspect the definitions/rules regarding termination of employment may vary with freelance-work.

** Whose last word on the subject currently remains this note from 28 July: http://www.latimes.com/opinion/opinion-la/la-oe-rall-20150728-story.html

*** Multiple things I'd change about my own previous coverage of this subject (including the damned title), but for honesty's sake, here it is: http://nofarhorizons.blogspot.com/2015/07/welcome-to-modern-day-fascist-reality.html

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