06 August, 2015

Days of Miracle and Wonder

Mr Burnham says that a Labour government led by him would "lift the millstone of debt" from students and replace fees with a graduate tax.

Fellow leadership contender Yvette Cooper also backs a graduate tax while Jeremy Corbyn wants to scrap tuition fees and bring back maintenance grants. 
The graduate tax plan is among the shadow health secretary's five manifesto pledges, which are:
  • Replacing tuition fees with a new graduate tax, and creating new university-style support for young people seeking apprenticeships 
  • Freeing councils to build new homes and introducing regulation of the private rented sector
  • Abolishing the youth rate National Minimum Wage, establishing a true living wage for all ages, banning forced zero-hours contracts and unpaid internships
  • Renationalisation of railways and reregulation of buses
  • Good care throughout people's lifetimes, through a National Health and Care Service, bringing social care into the NHS and meaning no-one is forced to sell their home to afford care.

Bloody hell, watching Labour's leadership-candidates flail in Corbyn's wake* is almost becoming as entertaining as watching the clowns in the GOP in Trump's.  Re-nationalising the railways, and now scrapping tuition-fees** -- What next ?  Endorse Natalie Bennett's calls to turn RBS into a People's Bank ?  Abolition of the monarchy ?

Should be entertaining regardless.  And meanwhile, the ever-brilliant Martin Rowson returns to the Guardian: Rays of light amidst so much darkness.

Now, if only Bernie Sanders' campaign could have the same effect on Hillary Clinton in the US...Ha !  Sorry, drifted off into la-la land there.

* What would they be talking about at this point in the campaign if it weren't for Corbyn ?  Raising the retirement-age to ninety ?  A 2p top tax-rate ?  Burning the homeless for fuel ?

** Not that a graduate-tax is quite the same thing as free universal higher education of course.

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