27 August, 2015

Link Dump (What the Hell Edition)

Amazon's 'One-Hour Booze Delivery'

Vox: H&R Block snuck language into a Senate bill to make taxes more confusing for poor people

AlterNet: Is Your Smartphone Aging Your Face Prematurely?

Reprogramming cancer-cells into healthy tissue !

Phys.org: NASA finds vegetation essential for limiting city warming effects

The Hill: Jeb Bush's call for 'broader government surveillance of Americans'

USA Today: Police secretly track cellphones to solve routine crimes

First state in the US legalises drones armed with tasers and tear-gas.  Because, of course they did.

WaPo: How companies make millions off lead-poisoned, poor blacks

AlterNet on the manipulation of words like 'liberal', 'welfare', and 'entitlement'.*

Casual extortion by the police in America, via The Young Turks:

WaPo again: The continuing criminalization of poverty: Milwaukee driver’s license suspension policy sows despair.

Reuters: Wal-Mart to stop selling AR-15, other semi-automatic rifles.  In case you wondered, they say this has nothing to do with all the mass-killings in America, and is simply a response to customer-demand.  They 'are instead focusing on hunting and sportsman firearms'.  Which seems odd as in the next sentence in the article, the AR-15 is described as a 'modern sporting rifle' and as it is very much intended for hunting...humans.

Ted Rall's Syndicated Column: 'Americans are Stupid'

Scottish politicians debate greater rights or legal protections for...rabbits.

Nicola Sturgeon calls for a new independent Scottish BBC television-channel and another radio-station, the funding of which coming no doubt at the expense of the national broadcaster.  Finally, the SNP & the Tories have a common enemy.

South Carolina GOP threatens to remove Donald Trump from the ballot unless he pledges his support to the GOP & its eventual candidate for the presidency.

One weird trick to losing weight.  Okay, not actually their headline.

The Indy: Retiring from work 'is good for your health'

Perhaps the invasion has subsided by now ?  Still love this headline: Vicious German wasps set to invade West Kent and East Sussex on drunken rampage.

Listen to your eye-doctors, idiots: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/man-goes-blind-in-one-eye-after-sleeping-while-wearing-contact-lenses-10466128.html

The new status-symbol in Britain of large families.  Vomit.

BBC Future: How a Nazi rocket could have put a Briton in space.  So depressing.

Caroline Lucas repeats her call for a progressive coalition with Labour.  Her own party distance themselves from the idea as Labour continue to ignore her.

BoingBoing: Louisiana townsfolk terror-freak over Hebrew "welcome home" sign.  Arabic, Hebrew, Klingon, all dem un-American foreign languages totally look the same.

GOP Presidential Candidate Piyush 'Bobby' Jindal forced to deny being an 'anchor-baby', and hilariously refers to himself as a 'pre-existing condition' instead.  Oh, that Republican humour...

'Always Wrong' Bill Kristol's brilliant idea for right-wing asshole, and current Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito to run for president.  Still haven't seen clarification on whether this would require his resigning his current post, opening a new nomination for Barack ObamaMagical Pony-Candidate Elizabeth Warren to fill.

More shocking news: http://www.usnews.com/news/us/articles/2015/08/25/doctors-recommend-early-exposure-to-prevent-peanut-allergies

Ukraine's Poroshenko compares Novorossiya or 'New Russia' to...Mordor.  By which, I gather (from the BBC) he meant that Novorossiya, like Mordor...was fictional ?  Because, the would-be Novorossiyans would willingly build a fictional identity that likened themselves to the slavish orcs of Sauron ?  Or maybe he was referring to the more industrial nature of Eastern Ukraine versus the West...making...Western Ukrainians...Hobbits ?  Or he just meant that they were bad, bad, no-good orc-like people, or...?  No, no matter how much I unpick this, I still don't get what the fuck he was trying to say.

Telegraph: Britain will be home to eight-million foreign born for the first time !  Er, yay ?

China's 'cheerleaders' to motive programmers in the offices of tech-companies.

The plan to save the tourists at New York's Times Square from the desnudas, and all the harassing plushies: 'Just dig the whole damn thing up!'  Er, Yokay...

The Indy: Pregnant teenager Neysi Perez 'wakes up in coffin' a day after her funeral

BBC: 10 things we've got wrong about dinosaurs

Barstard !  George R.R. Martin finally admits 'Game of Thrones' will probably finish before his books

What a shock !  BBC: The vast majority of carbon credits generated by Russia and Ukraine did not represent cuts in emissions.  No !  Never !

Speaking of Russia & Ukraine.  Whoops.

And finally, because...I'm all about civility and tone, me**:

* Someone been reading Orwell ?

** Trigger-warning...for 'your mother-fuckin' face.'***

*** The joke is either obvious...or it's not.  Not going to explain.

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