03 August, 2015

You Don't Say

Homophobic attitudes are more likely to found in individuals who harbour unacknowledged attraction towards the same sex, a series of psychology studies have found.
The study, which analysed four separate experiments conducted in the US and Germany, provides empirical evidence to suggest that homophobia is in fact the ‘external manifestation of repressed sexual desires they feel towards their own gender’, reports IBT.
“Individuals who identify as straight but in psychological tests show a strong attraction to the same sex may be threatened by gays and lesbians because homosexuals remind them of similar, unrealised desires they themselves harbour,” Netta Weinstein, a lecturer at the University of Essex and the study’s lead author, explained.
The sexual orientation of participants was measured by how they reacted to words and images with sexual connotations, during a timed task.
“In many cases these are people who are at war with themselves and they are turning this internal conflict outward,” added co-author Richard Ryan, professor of psychology at the University of Rochester who was involved in the study, in which about 650 university students participated.
The researchers also said that this may why some homophobic public figures have often caught engaging in homosexual acts.
Huh.  Odd that other political, and especially, partisan dimensions in this context get no mention at all, huh ?

* For the record, I'm not sure if that picture they used is of the particularly brutal dictator I suspect it is meant to be of, and, I'm not expressing any particular opinion of said brutal dictator, if so...

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