02 August, 2015



Doesn't help that just about every major news-site, up to, and even including the BBC, seem to be adopting the format of all content replaced by a series of squares or rectangles wherein an image is overlaid or captioned with a line or two of text, in a manner that just so happens to be almost indistinguishable from their 'promoted' content, be it from Taboola, Outbrain, their own in-house system, or the devil himself.

Our brave new online world has much to recommend it at times.  But more often than not, it just sucks.

And then the effect bleeds into the offline world as well, what with all those full-page ads. in magazines that just so happen to look like news-stories, till you start to smell bullshit, look down, and notice: 'Sponsored Content' in microscopic font.

Never mind the effect on commercial television, which seems to think that having a bunch of himbos & bimbos standing around a laptop watching cat-videos constitutes 'news'. 

Fuckin' Internet...

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