28 August, 2015

Nooshafarin: Gole Aftabgardoon / Tu Nemitoni Bad Bashi

The Iranian/Persian stuff that ended up in my collection accidentally/serendipitously doesn't come up in the shuffle often, but I love it when it does, and it's something as lovely as this.*

Just wish the historic visuals could be married with a less muddy version of the audio: Such as: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TdyIl0_pOo...**

* No, I don't speak Persian, but I'm reasonably sure she's not singing about Death to America or nuclear weapons, or anything much more than a traditional love-song.

** Yes, that is from the same source as I was listening to.  If you must know.

*** Dimensions as taken from YouTube.  Whether the video is cropped, or what the original dimensions were I cannot say

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