06 August, 2015


Lindsey Graham, the only one of these clowns that should have even remotely been considered as a serious candidate for the Republican nomination, looked and sounded quite sad to be up there in the kiddie-debates with his fellow losers.  But, what the hell is he trying to accomplish with these promises of endless war ?  We get it already, you're super-duper serious about foreign-policy because your answer to every problem is always Bomb, Bomb, Bomb !, and if the bombs don't work, send in the soldiers.  It's almost as if he's trying to compensate for...something; Who knows what ?

I guess some people out there were quite impressed with Carly Fiorina's performance (low expectations ?).  I'll say this for her: She wasn't standing on a box to make herself look taller.*

* Okay, those shoes may have slight heels, though I can't tell for sure.  She still comes across a hell of a lot more comfortable in her skin than Lindsey.

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