31 August, 2015

Link Dump (End of August Edition)

MintPress News: Science Proves Genetic Inheritance Of Trauma.  More wonder & horror from the amazing world of epigenetics.

Guardian: Man found to have been shedding virulent strain of polio for 30 years

Daily Mail: Baby food 'triggers a sweet tooth' because they include fruit juice and use vegetables like carrots and sweet potatoes, study finds.  Uh, yeah.

A dirty war between Kaspersky & AVG ?

If you like this sort of thing...Donald Trump saying China over and over and over:

BBC: George Monbiot butchers and eats a squirrel on Newsnight

Vox on the evolution of the NRA from an organisation focused on hunting and sportsmen, and supportive of gun-control, to the radical front for the gun-industry it is today.

RIP neurologist Oliver Sacks, of Awakenings-fame.

WSU threatens grades of students who use terms such as 'illegal alien', 'colored', or...'the man.'

Chris Christie's FedEx-inspired plan to track legal immigrants.  Who's Chris Christie you ask ?  Wait, that guy ?  He's still running for president...Why ?

Meanwhile, Scott Walker wants to build a wall...with Canada...

Fresh off destroying tonnes of cheese, Russia turns its eyes to...Western detergents.

Speaking of...The most manly gallery ever: Vlad & Dmitri share tea, workout together, and then barbecue some meat.

60% of my reaction to this: Boy, that's creepy...WTF ?  40%: What the hell happened to Dubya's hairline ?!!

I like Jeremy Clarkson, but...no human is 'worth' £9.6 million a year...

AutoBlog: Motorists actually don't like a lot of new in-car technology.  Well, I could have told you that for free fifteen years ago.

FFS...Guardian: Terror law prompts British Library to reject unique Taliban archive

NASA's (probably pointless) plea to the lunatic extremists in Congress, regarding their continued dependence on Russia for access to spaceflight.

Must-read for Scott Walker on the science of balding in men.

Independent: Tony Blair attacks Jeremy Corbyn's 'Alice In Wonderland' politics

BBC: Remembering Ealing Studios and the golden age of British film

Donald Trump may/may not own, may/may not have read book by Hitler stunner.

Oh yeah, David Cameron elevated even more crooks & cronies to the already overcrowded House of Lords.  And people are...shocked for some reason.*

Obama renames mountain.

* Note, that he now says he backs limits on the terms of peers...presumably non-retroactively, and starting right after he leaves No. 10.  By which time the number in the House should be two-thousand or so.

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