15 May, 2015

(Yet) A(nother) Message from the Government of Canada

OTTAWA – Employment Minister Pierre Poilievre is making no apologies for using taxpayer dollars to produce videos of himself promoting the universal child care benefit.
Opposition MPs call them “vanity videos” that mark a new low for a government that has a penchant for producing partisan advertising on the public dime.
But Poilievre says he’s simply informing Canadians about the newly enriched and expanded child benefit.
And he says he’ll continue to work “aggressively” to promote the benefit despite the uproar, even coyly addressing his critics by tweeting out “the video everyone’s been talking about” Friday.

And indeed, why would he ?  Using the resources of the state for continuous political propaganda is perfectly normal behaviour in a one-party dictatorshipparliamentary democracy, as is using bribery to try to maintain one's position of power.

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