01 May, 2015

From Point A...to...Point B...Eventually...

Haven't had anything to say on the death in police-custody of Freddie Gray, or the subsequent protests/riots/uprising (take your pick), but this thing with the timeline and the multiple stops is fascinating to me.

So, if I understand it correctly, Gray was taken into custody in the 1700 block of Presbury Street, just across from N Mount Street, and on the way to the police-station at 1034 N Mount Street, which is directly to the south, rather than head straight down N Mount Street or down N Fulton Avenue, the cops instead detoured southeast to the OK Groceries (or vicinity thereof) at 714 W Mosher Street, for unknown or undisclosed reasons, then stopped at Druid Hill Avenue & Dolphin Street, which is to the east, to check on Gray, before being directed to pick up another prisoner at 1600 W North Avenue, over to the northwest, and not far from where Gray first ran from the police (intersection of W North Avenue & N Mount Street), before finally returning to the police-station.  Shortly after which at some point, paramedics were called to transport 'an unconscious male' to the hospital.

This, without the stops, Google Maps has (although obviously dependent on traffic and time of day) as a sixteen to eighteen minute drive, versus a three or four minute drive straight to the station.  Keeping in mind that the police were transporting an individual clearly in need of medical attention.

Wonder what the cops' explanation will be.  If any.

*Note, address on Presbury Street is just an approximation of location based on images released.  Address of store on W Mosher Street is based on stated intersection and seeming correspondence between records of holder of liquor-licence at said location and individual quoted in the media.  Address on Druid Hill Ave. is also an approximation based on intersection.

**Also, obviously, this is speculation based on what has been released to date by the authorities, and Google Maps' recommendations as to routing may bear little resemblance to the actual route taken by police.

***Sample sources for timeline:

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