08 May, 2015


Surely that's only eight...oh, the pie...,okay.  Well, I'm glad about...the...and...if...the.....no, your list just sucks.  And for the record, 'though Ed's fate was probably inevitable, and Nick can go fuck himself, I do feel slightly sorry for Nige'.  Almost looked on that stage like he might cry...

Well...yet another right-wing win then.  That's how many in a row now (yes, I am counting Tone' & co. obvs.) ?

But hey, congrats. to Nicola & the SNP and to the Scots generally.  May they long hold the Sassenachs' feet to the fire in Westminster.  And the Welsh, well, maybe it's time they took some lessons from their Scottish cousins.  Wales at least controls its own capital, unlike the Saudi-Arabian/Emirate/Russian enclaves that make up what used to be central London.  England died already, don'tcha know ?  Maybe it's time we gave it a decent burial ?

Stopping now before I start sounding too much like a 'kipper and before even getting started on Northern Ireland.  Happy next five years !

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