29 May, 2015

Canada Ending Tax on Tampons ?

Federal 'tampon tax' to be removed July 1  
The federal government plans to remove the tax on tampons and other feminine hygiene products, effective July 1.
A notice of a motion to amend the Excise Tax Act says the move will apply to sanitary napkins, tampons, menstrual cups and other similar products.
The NDP and others have been calling on the government to get rid of the so-called “tampon tax,” saying it unfairly targeted women.
Under the Excise Tax Act, the GST is typically applied to “luxury” items not considered essential to daily life. But in trying to get the tax eliminated, NDP MPs argued that tampons and pads are essential for most women of reproductive age.
Since January, more than 74,000 people have signed an online petition calling for an end to the levy on menstrual products.
Earlier this month, the NDP introduced a motion in the House calling on the government to exempt the products from the GST – a motion that the Conservative government said it would support.

Good.  Australia next ?  For some reason, fundamental human bodily functions always seem to get short shrift when it comes to talking about human rights, especially when it's to do with women's bodies.  Politicians never tire of talking about ways to make rich white men even richer, but addressing the messy details of actual human bodies ?  Ew !  Don't want to even think about it.  Make it go away...

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