26 May, 2015

Tone' to the Rescue

So back fresh from all his historic successes as Peace Envoy in the Middle East, the man who gave us the glorious and necessary war in Iraq, and whose devolutionary strategy has been such an unquestionable success in preserving the union in Britain, has his eyes on saving another union.

Goody.  That will be very helpful.  Especially when he wins over the hearts and minds of sceptical voters with statements* like this:

Nationalism is a powerful sentiment.  Let that genie out of the bottle, and it's a Herculean task to put it back in.  And Reason alone, struggles.  The referenda (sic) on Europe carries with it exactly the same risks.
 For that reason, should the Conservatives win, one other thing will be certain: the Prime Minister will be spending more energy, will have more sleepless nights about it, be more focused on it, than literally any other single issue.
 He knows the vastness of the decision.  He knows the penalty of failure.  He knows exit will define his legacy.  And, following the Scottish referendum, he knows one other thing: the perilous fragility of public support, for the sensible choice.

Tony, Tony, aren't you busy enough 'working' as adviser to the likes of JP Morgan Chase and the dictator of Kazakhstan ?

I mean, I know your employers in Wall Street and in the City are worried that their profits (or the obscene magnitude thereof) might be threatened by a British exit from the EU, but sending you out to stump for the pro-EU side will be as useful as having you stump for Ed Miliband at the last minute in the recent election was.

Don't you get it ?  Outside of the United States perhaps, no-one likes you.  No-one trusts you.  Everything you touch turns to shit.  Can't you just retire with your many millions already and leave the other inhabitants of the Earth to get on with the business of cleaning up the messes people like you made ?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PvZFyQ3IsE, 5'42-6'40

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