03 May, 2015

Godda Speak Down to the 'Ard-Workin' Briddish People

So, 'parently affer Ed Miliband met wiv that Russell Brand bloke, Dave Cameron wuz all like e's a goon, inn'e ?  Makin' 'iself out like 'e's some Cockney geezer ?  It's embarassin' that when these posh politicians try-a talk down to the workin' classes like they weren't all Eton-educa'ed like:

Look at me, I ain't posh ad all.  I represent the ord'n'ry 'ard-workin' Briddish people.  I like 'avin beers down at the pub with the or'd'nry folks like youse.  I listen to Bastille.

It's embarassin', innit ?

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