01 May, 2015

The Ghost of the 'Manchester Guardian' Speaks

The campaign is nearly over and it is time to choose. We believe Britain needs a new direction. At home, the economic recovery is only fragile, while social cohesion is threatened by the unequal impact of the financial crisis and the continuing attempt to shrink the postwar state. Abroad, Britain remains traumatised by its wars, and, like our neighbours, is spooked by Vladimir Putin, the rise of jihadist terrorism and by mounting migratory pressures. In parts of Britain, nationalist and religious identities are threatening older solidarities, while privacy and freedom sometimes feel under siege, even as we mark 800 years since Magna Carta. More people in Britain are leading longer, healthier and more satisfying lives than ever before – yet too many of those lives feel stressed in ways to which politics struggles to respond, much less to shape.
This is the context in which we must judge the record of the outgoing coalition and the choices on offer to voters on 7 May. Five years ago, Labour was exhausted and conflicted, amid disenchantment over war, recession and Gordon Brown’s leadership. The country was ready for a change, one we hoped would see a greatly strengthened Liberal Democrat presence in parliament combine with the core Labour tradition to reform politics after the expenses scandal. That did not happen. Instead the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats have governed together for five difficult years.

Aw, they were tired, poor babies, after having worked oh so very hard on behalf of the ordinary hard-working (presumably cis-gendered hetero) man.  Poor Labour.  They were tired after winning all the wars against the...The Bankers ?...No...The Americans ?....No...The Middle Eastern Despots ?...No...China ?....No...The vested interests in British Politics ?....No...Their own corruption and indolence ?...No...The Military establishment ?..No...Wall Street & The City ?...No...The Murdoch Media ?...Not really...Their own greed and corruption ?...Of course not.  Against anyone or anything of any actual significance ?
For the sake of future Saint (the Vatican needed money for a problem with dry-rot) Tony ?  For nostalgia ?  For sheer perversity  ?
Hey ordinary yob, vote Labour !  The future of their neo-aristocratic plutocratic offspring depends on it.  And in the meantime, as for your petty concerns, go fuck yourself, you plebeian moocher.  We need everything to be hoovered up to the top, and ordinary people fucked, because...well that's what Jesus would have wanted, ya know.
Wonder how the Guardian will cover the anniversary of the Peterloo Massacre in a few year's time ?  Assholes.

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