01 March, 2015

Joy Division: No Love Lost

Had to post something from Joy Division, having watched the BBC doc. recently on iPlayer.  Not a bad take, though a little heavy-handed on the Yay, look at mighty modern capitalistic Manchester thing, and the idea that Curtis & co. had anything to do with that, which is complete and utter bullshit.  Worth watching if you're a fan (or even if not, cos' what the fuck is wrong with you), but Corbijn's take in Control is still more compelling, and, may I daresay, more in keeping with the feelings of the times, rather than how we may now wish(/pretend) them to have been.  Oh, and I'd entirely forgotten that Samantha Morton played the part of Curtis' wife in that piece.  I really need to see it again.  But no, the BBC thing doesn't suck.

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