26 March, 2015

Sorry Jezza; New Host of Top Gear

So, with Clarkson officially out, inevitably the speculation ramps up over a replacement.  And there do seem to be a hell of a lot of names being floated about.  So who should it be then ?

Chris Evans, who consistently denies any interest in the role ?

Bringing back Noel Edmonds or Angela Rippon.  Uh, no comment.

Steve Coogan, the man who wrote, this...?

Steve Coogan as Alan Partridge ?  A fictional character as presenter ?  Surely Coogan can get one of the networks to agree to a Partridge motoring outlet if that's what he wants, but at the expense of Top Gear ?

Piers Morgan ?  Does anybody actually want that ?

Stephen Fry ?  That's a joke, right ?  That Stephen Fry ?  You kid, surely ?

Various race-car-drivers with no previous presenting experience ?

Various television presenters with little or no automotive experience ?

Suppose it depends in part on what the BBC plans to do with the show, and whether it is looking for another blokish politically incorrect middle-aged white fella to replace Clarkson (Nigel Farage, anyone...), or whether it fulfils the Guardianistas' desire for an 'eco-feminist Top Gear'.  I might suggest Sandi Toksvig as host, but she's got far too much humour and personality for the PC crowd.

Surely, there's a middle-way; someone who's a million miles away from a Clarkson clone, someone with the driving and the presenting experience, and someone who's self-evidently passionate (maybe a little too passionate at times) about motors and motoring.  Has there ever been anyone so perfect for Top Gear as Vicki Butler-Henderson ?

And to be blunt, someone ever so slightly easier on the eye, than ole' Slabber-chops Clarkson.

Guess it won't happen with all the Fifth Gear hate, but a guy can dream...

And as for the question of Josie Kidd, I think I'd still prefer VBH, but either of these gals would be preferable to pretty much any of the idiot males being mentioned for the role currently.  Shit, why not Larry King ?  And the Huffington Post even mentioned Vladimir Putin as a candidate...

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