18 March, 2015

Another Day in America

In which cops murder a mentally ill man, because...black guy...screwdriver...No Time To Think, MUST KILL NOW!  Having been called to the house...to help...by the guy's mother, and knowing full well in advance that said individual was mentally ill.

No attempt at de-escalation: check.  Guns used first rather than tasers or any other non-less-lethal option: check.  Yelling at already fallen individual to drop their 'weapon': check.  Almost like the cops are reading from a script, almost like they are...behaving exactly as they are trained to do, with lethal violence as always Option Number One.
He's still alive.  He's still alive.
We handcuff him?
Just kick that over...
He was in the doorway, he had a screwdriver, we had this behind us, we had to shoot.  He came at us.
We uh...we shouldn't probably talk about it, but...
Yeah, we can't talk about it.  We can't talk about it.  Yeah
No, you probably shouldn't.

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