16 March, 2015

Top Gear

Lots of nonsense written lately about Top Gear and Jeremy's latest 'fracas', such as the call in The Guardian, for an 'eco-feminist Top Gear'.  And now, apparently Jeremy's spoken out, and it sounds like he actually agrees with Ms. Williams about his being 'on the wrong side of history'.

I THINK it's fair to say that nature made a mistake when it invented the dinosaur.
It was too big, too violent and with such small and puny arms it was never going to be able to operate heavy machinery or even enjoy a bit of special "me" time.
So one day all the dinosaurs died — and now, many years later, no one mourns their passing.
But let's be honest. These big, imposing creatures have no place in a world that has moved on.

And honestly, it probably is time for a change, because, let's face it, the show has been lagging the last few years.  This last series especially -- The most entertaining episode so far was probably the one that relied on the joke of Clarkson and May apparently sociopathically leaving Hammond stranded in the frozen Canadian wilderness whilst they casually toured one eatery after another in their giant pickups.  Ha.  Clarkson & Co. have kept the world entertained with the exotic cars, with their pranks and stunts, with their gloriously sophomoric and politically incorrect humour for well over a decade, but any show would tend to get stale with the same crew after that long.  And for all the excitement Ms. Williams might find in our automotive future, an electric car just isn't as sexy as a V8, and driverless cars, well...  It was a good run.

And despite what Ms. Williams may think about Clarkson (psst...Zoe...he's playing a character...it's teevee...), Clarkson's no idiot, and he'll be writing columns, touring the panel show circuit, and like as not, running other shows for years to come, not that he needs to with the tens of millions of pounds he's been paid over the years.  May will be just fine as well.  And Hammond, er...

As for the four-million viewer-shaped hole in the lineup, and the lost international revenue, well the Beeb'll find some other shiny bauble, most likely in the form of yet more reality bullshit.  Never mind the fact that, psst...BBC...You're supposed to be a national broadcaster, funded by the licence fee.  Chasing ratings against ITV isn't in your remit.

Just do us a favour and release the remaining episodes already.  Who are you really punishing by withholding them ?  The multi-millionaire presenters ?

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