20 March, 2015

Defining a new Security Architecture for Europe That Brings Russia in from the Cold: Roundtable discussion in Brussels with John Mearsheimer, Stephen Cohen and Katrina vanden Heuvel

So much sense spoken in one room.  No snark here.  Suppose it had to happen in Brussels, rather than in the US media.

Part 1, Presentations by the Panelists:

Part 2, Discussion with Panelists and Participants:

Can't find much background on the circumstances of this event, or even a webpage for this newly resurrected American Committee on East-West Accord, but supposedly this discussion took place on 2 March this year in Brussels.  What the sign behind Doctorow referencing 2013-2014 is about is not clear to me.

Whole thing is one hour, forty-seven minutes.  If that's too much, below clip has just the Mearsheimer summary:

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