21 March, 2015

That Cameron & Miliband Debate

Was going to go looking for a picture of Ed Miliband, from the bacon sandwich incident perhaps, but no look, here's the Guardian's headline for this story.  Yes, that Guardian.

The man on the right, you may recognise as David Cameron, the leader of the Conservative party, and the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.  The man on the left is the leader of the (for-now) main opposition party, Labour.  In defence of the Guardian editors who chose this picture, it's actually pretty typical of how he looks, and if anything he arguably sounds worse.  Why one might ask if you were the man on the right, would you be afraid to debate the man on the left...on television no less.  Not a rhetorical question; I genuinely don't get it.  Is Ed really that scary, that daunting a debater ?  These are both very intelligent man, but one was born to be a media personality, and one was not.  And if we're honest, sadly, personality and presence probably count a lot more in television debates for the average voter than the actual issues being debated.

For fun, let's go ahead (below the fold) and see what Google returns for images of these two men.

First, David Cameron:
Well David won't be complaining to the engineers at Google any time soon.

And Mister Miliband ?:
Oh dear.

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