13 March, 2015

That Meddlesome Dalai Lama

So apparently, the People's Republic of China is not happy at all about the Dalai Lama's comments regarding the possibility that he might not reincarnate.  See, the PRC thinks that its occupation of Tibet gives it the exclusive right to appoint a successor, preferably a nice compliant puppet doll they can dance around in a attempt to give legitimacy to said occupation by the (officially) athiest, (nominally) Communist dictatorship.  Poor fucking babies, possibly not getting their doll, and not getting to continue to fuck with a major world religion.  Such an evil 'double betrayal' by the Dalai Lama, on top of a lifetime of his vilely refusing to act as their personal plaything himself.  Cry me a river, assholes.

The Dalai Lama has been described by Chinese government officials as a “wolf in monk’s robes,” and a “dangerous splittist” intent on cleaving the Chinese nation. On March 13, the Chinese Communist Party–linked Global Times kept up the decades-long attack on the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, denouncing him as a “double betrayer” who “keeps spouting nonsense” while devising “a sly trap.”

That supposed trap extends into the hereafter. Tibetan Buddhists believe the current Dalai Lama is the 14th reincarnation of a holy monk who lived in the 14th century. Now 79, and surely aware that his hopes for an autonomous Tibet are improbable, the Dalai Lama has raised several possibilities of what might happen after he dies. Perhaps he will choose his successor during his lifetime, contrary to the usual tradition of identifying the new Dalai Lama only after the death of the old one. Maybe his soul will transfer to a person outside of Tibet. Or perhaps, he has said most recently, the line of Dalai Lamas will end with him, if that is the wish of the Tibetan people.

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