14 March, 2015

Israeli Elections, a la Haaretz

Just a few days till Israelis get a similar choice to that likely facing Brits. in the next general election: Do I want to support the right-wingers, the slightly-less right-wingers, or the lunatic-fringe right-wing extremists ?  Same choice basically for the US electorate, except that two of those choices will come with an (R) after the names, and one with a (D).  And in case, anyone is in any doubt where Haaretz stands on the prospect of Bibi being re-elected, we have this lovely image.

I mean, no, what the fuck ?  What editor looked at this and thought yeah, that looks professional, and totally unbiased, let's run with that picture of Bibi ?  Are you shitting me ?  And as for that rather unfortunate typo. vis-a-vis the word 'public'...  I've read Haaretz on and off for years (albeit mostly pre-paywalls), and don't recall quite this level of idiocy in the past.  Is Haaretz the Grauniad of Israel ?

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