25 March, 2015

Hie Thee to the Vomatorium

Story on the site is four short sentences long, so I'm not going to 'summarise'.  Fact, I don't want to even read it.  I feel nauseous already, just looking at the picture.

And in more vomit-inducing news:

Just what we need, even more consolidation in the industrial food sector.  Although...if any miraculously still-extant anti-trust bodies could somehow tie this in with a deal that required Kraft to divest Cadbury...  BTW, did the politicians in the UK ever apologise for 'falling for' the lies from Kraft on that deal ?

Not going to link to the actual stories here, because...I mean, do you need a reason ?

*Note that Heinz here, as on Mad Men are 'the Ketchup company.'  Heinz Baked Beans, what's that ?

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