16 March, 2015

How Liberals Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Iranian Bomb

So it turns out the 'western Left' is totally cool with the idea of Iran having a nuclear arsenal, the possession of which actual weapons (as opposed to current theoretical capability) would likely as Lumish rightly points out lead to a new arms-race in the region.  And that the Obama administration is actively working to enable an Iranian 'Jihadi Bomb'.  Who knew ?  And why ?  Because of 'white liberal guilt'.  Sorry about that whole Colonialism thing y'all.  Lollipop make it better ?  No ?  Well how about some thermonuclear weapons ?  Here, have some of ours why don't you -- how about these Trident missiles -- Britain doesn't need them anymore according to the SNP.  There, all better now ?  But don't go doing anything naughty with those warheads now, promise !  Fascinating read from the artist formerly known as Karmafish.

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