08 September, 2015

Well, Now the Political Cartoonists Have All Had Their Say

Nice.  The foto of that dead kid face-down in the surf is so shocking, we're going to build a sandcastle-version of it...and force our own kids to pose by the same...*

Our culture being what it is, how long till someone comes up with a way to make a halloween-costume out of this dead kid's fucking corpse ?

* I know, Gaza...Open-air prison...Those monstrous Israeli's...  Wonder what direction the two younger kids are listening to off-camera as the older child looks dutifully at the lens.  How old are they, and already being used as political props ?

** Intentionally looked for the largest version of the pic. I could find.  In this case, judging by the resolution, it could well be the original dimensions from a DSLR or the like.  But, since Blogger appears to restrict the max. width, you'll have to click here for the original.

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