08 September, 2015

Map: Most Popular Vehicles by US State

Yes, another map.  What ?  I like maps.  Via Kevin Drum, who highlighted the weird regional banding of Ford & Chevy truck-sales*, and, to a lesser degree, Dodge Rams in the West.

Otherwise, we've got Subaru in two of the municipal areas seen as most liberal (Seattle/Washington, Denver/Colorado), and also in Connecticut & Maine; Honda dominating in other more liberal coastal states (Washington DC/Virginia/Maryland**, New Jersey, New York, California, Massachusetts); a mix of trucks in the far rural Northeast; Toyota in Hawaii & Rhode Island; that odd outlier of Chevy trucks in Delaware; and a solid block of sales for Toyota in the Toyota-producing, but otherwise reflexively anti-anything-'forrun', Southeast.

Be interesting perhaps, to see the same data mapped at a more granular level, to see a) how solid those bandings of Chevy & Ford truly are, and b) the degree to which the Honda & Subaru-buying urban areas would likely be tiny islands swimming in a coast-to-coast sea of trucks.

* Yahoo! put this down to 'old college sports conference boundaries'.  What the hell that could possibly have to do with people's choice of a pickup-truck, I don't know, but I'll take their word for it, I guess.

** No, Virginia isn't exactly seen historically as a liberal state, but when the federal government continues to grow, and push jobs out further and further from the District itself...

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