15 September, 2015

Clearly Nothing But Nothing Is Sacred in Hollywood

Disney is set to make a new Mary Poppins film, over half a century after the strict, yet much-loved, nanny first appeared on the silver screen.
The celebrated movie character will make her return in a live-action musical, Entertainment Weekly (EW) has reported.
Set in London during the Depression some 20 years after the first movie was set, the new film will also take from P. L. Traver’s children’s books where the character originated. However, the film will not be a sequel, according to EW.
The details of who will take on the iconic role of Mary Poppins are yet to be revealed. However, the chosen actress certainly has big shoes to fill, as Julie Andrews earned an Oscar for her depiction as the magical, singing nurse.

No creativity, no courage, and no class.  Just shameless corporate greed in pursuit of the dollars of the gullible.*

* Yes I know it's not strictly speaking a remake.  Neither is Rogue One a remake of the film we somehow insist on calling 'Episode IV'.  Fuck You Lucas.

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