16 September, 2015

À Propos of Nothing

I can just about accept Reagan pronounced as Ray-gun, and Cheney as Chainee, but Koch is not pronounced 'Coke', Boehner is certainly not pronounced 'Bayner', and Loesch sure as fuck is not pronounced 'Lash'.  At least the latter admits it.  When the hell will Republicans/Right-Wingers own up to their actual names and stop mispronouncing them ?

* Yes, I could just respect people's choices to pronounce their names as they see fit.  In the case of the right-wing scum aforementioned though, fuck that.  I'm not sure I can manage any respect for even the star of Bedtime for Bonzo**, never mind those other arseholes.

** By which, I mean Ronnie obviously.  Totes respect the chimp.

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