30 September, 2015

Link Dump (Equinox Edition)

Love-ly...UK and Saudi Arabia 'in secret deal' over human rights council place.  In which the UK manages to look equally filthy with Saudi...Yah.

Slate: Donald Trump Steals Jeb Bush’s Tax Plan, Makes It Classier, More Luxurious

Daily Mail: Car industry is accused of burying report claiming that U.S. vehicles are much less safe than European ones.  Because the evil bastards were terrified of the impact of said report on the lunatic TTIP trade-deal, natch.

Twitter considering greater than 140-character posts...  Which will fix everything...

Ban on short sentences sought under Scots law.

Britain borrowing from China to build the most expensive power-station in history.

That long-overdue (partial) victory on the 'Happy Birthday' song.

A cure for (some age-related) blindness.

Vox on the 'Shirley Card' & racial bias in the development of colour film.

How Britain's GCHQ tracked(/s) the behaviours and habits of 'every visible user on the internet' across multiple platforms and technologies.

BoingBoing: Carly Fiorina boasts: I sold the NSA its mass-surveillance servers.

The Right-winger in the US calling for a two-state solution between 'liberals' semi-rational human beings and 'conservatives' delusional radical religious extremists.

Independent: Selfies are killing more people than shark attacks.
The 'Cannabis Forest' found growing in London.

May not have looked it recent nights, but the moon is in fact...shrinking !  Oh noes...

The Redhead driven to terrorism by anti-white, anti-ginger prejudice.  Apparently.

How those who fidget live longer, even if sitting for long periods of time.

Not entirely above the law after all ?  Mirror: Saudi prince arrested on sex crime charge at £24m Beverly Hills mansion.

Pamela Geller declares victory in the war over the so-called 'Ground Zero Mosque'.  And so ends a sad sad episode in American history.

BBC: Hospital apologises after moving RAF man because of uniform.  Can't even...

I shouldn't laugh...but I will anyway....  Alternet: Kids Who Use Computers Heavily in School Have Lower Test Scores, Major Worldwide Study Finds.

The alleged embezzler of millions who disappeared to hike the Appalachian trail for six years.

How some smokers maintain 'healthy lungs' after a lifetime of smoking.  Genetic 'innit.

The (relative) recovery of the the North Sea cod.

World Report Now: Global warming started 75 years ago.

How Donald Trump made his fortune off government's back.  New York Times: Donald Trump and the Art of the Public Sector Deal

The Indiana couple stopped/arrested at gunpoint on the way to give birth at the hospital.  Basically for pissing off the cop by not pulling over immediately, though the DM's article doesn't make that clear.  Oh yeah, and the cops were heard on tape suggesting destroying the videographic evidence.

RIP Baseball-great Yogi Berra.  RIP also Twin Peaks' 'Log Lady', Catherine Coulson.

Shell halts drilling in the Arctic...until the price of oil rises again, and all political barriers fall before the...inevitable...and...necessary...rendering of our G-d-given resources...

Reason: Man Jailed for Traffic Ticket Dies in Cell After 17 Days of Torture. Officers Watched It Happen.

PETA wants apes granted copyright protection for fotos...G-d help us...PETA wants court to grant copyright to ape that snapped famous selfie

Martin Shkreli: The evil shit who raised the price of an essential drug by thousands of percentage-points.  And why he's not so remotely abnormal in this lunatic culture of ours.

Rare good tech-related news for the US: Ars Technica*: Broadband is a “core utility” like electricity, White House report says.

Ars': Forcing suspects to reveal phone passwords is unconstitutional, court says

The BBC's celebration of classic train-stations...and, via Phil Burrowes, Carparks...

* Not to be an arse, but when your name on the Internet consists of multiple words distinguished only via graphics and/or fonts, how is one supposed to render said name in plain text ?  'Ars Technica', 'arstechnica', or, WTF ?

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