16 September, 2015

A Calm and Considered Request for Closure

Had a post half-written a fortnight back on my attempt to re-watch the first episodes of Nu-Who (G-d it was awful), but thought better of posting it.  But with the news that Jenna Coleman is finally (two years too late) leaving Doctor Who, I just have one thing to say to Steven Moffat:


No seriously, give us a death-scene.  Something horrific preferably.  It's the least you can do.

Possibly an even worse contribution to canon than the 'Time-War'.

* I suppose it's theoretically possible that the character will improve with the new series.  But I can never un-see that last squandered soap-opera of a series*.  Such a waste.

** Check out that original title in the URL.  Drama-queen much ?

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