14 September, 2015

Link Dump (Post-9/11 Edition)

The TimesThe Sun, the once-respected Wall Street Rag...Somehow the loss of none of these publications quite compares with Murdoch acquiring fucking National Geographic...and turning it into a for-profit.  One and a quarter-centuries of journalistic and scientific excellence gone in an instant into the black-hole of media that is Rupert Murdoch's gaping maw.  RIP

Said publication recently provided a look at the primitive new hominid* species found in South Africa.

Independent: Scientists to wake up 30,000-year-old 'giant' virus.  Insert your own plot for sci-fi horror flick.

Meanwhile, 32,000 years ago or earlier, humans appear to have been making porridge.

So, resveratrol, the compound also found in chocolate & red wine may help in preventing or at least slowing Alzheimer's.  The dosage in question ?  About that of one-thousand bottles of red wine...a day...

Charging a thirteen-year-old student with second-degree assault, because he...kissed a fourteen-year-old girl on a dare.  Shit, at least he's not being charged as an adult, as almost seems the norm. these day in the US (for anyone over say seven or so).

The aforementioned 'Rag on Amazon's new $50 tablets.

BBC's Peston gives what could be considered a positive spin on the collapse of British manufacturing.

CNN: Elon Musk's new idea: Nuke Mars.  No, really.

Independent: Stop using difficult-to-guess passwords, UK's spying agency GCHQ recommends.

Despite the obvious inferences, to this being suggested by GCHQ of all people, there is actually a point to using simpler...but longer passphrases, rather than the complex passwords to which we have become accustomed...or rather accustomed to writing down on sticky pads.  Unfortunately, we have a gazillion different passwords to manage, and no-one setting rational standards for password-requirements across all the different organisations with which we interact.

Rick Perry's floundering campaign for the presidency finally fizzles out.  Any bets on the next joke-candidate to fall ?

Guardian: Poll finds almost a third of Americans would support a military coup.

Flag of as-yet non-existent Palestinian state to fly in front of the UN.  So the flag of Kurdistan will also be flying alongside it soon one would hope.  And soon after, that of the Free Republic of Liberland.**

First library to support 'anonymous' browsing via Tor successfully scared out of it by totalitarian Bush-era 'Department of Homeland Security.'

Quartz: New York’s Tribute in Light to 9/11 is stunning to both people and birds.  Shame, they are beautiful.

First conviction in the US under laws banning 'crush'-videos.  Woman in question tortured, mutilated, and killed small animals in pretty horrific ways.

Elton John: I want to meet Putin over gay rights.  Uh, going to resist the obvious...

Film Truth debuts at Toronto International Film Festival.  The subject, an episode involving one Dan Rather who was tricked into airing faked memos regarding the service (or deficit thereof) in the Texas Air National Guard of one George W Bush.

The episode, as you might recall, ended Rather's decades-long career with CBS News, and by removing all attention from the actual story of Dubya's military-service (of lack thereof) at the same time that the very real service of one Purple Heart-winner and presidential contender John Kerry was being viciously smeared, may well have helped swing the election and lumber the United States and the world with four more years of Bush & Co.****

AlterNet on US Congress blocking labelling by states of GMO-products, whilst meanwhile California becomes the first state to label Monsanto's pesticide Roundup as carcinogenic.

BBC: Travelling to work 'is work', European court rules.

War is Boring on the de Havilland Vampire, first jet to take off & land from an aircraft-carrier, and on the continuing history of Iran's fleet of F-14 Tomcats.

* Fuck the NatGeo's 'Style Manual'.  Might as well be written on TP now.

** Hell, while we're at it...***

*** Too offensive for the main post perhaps, but anything goes in the footnotes I always feel.

**** Description of said sordid affair mine, not that of the filmmakers.  The, ah...truth will out eventually.

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