18 September, 2015

Link Dump (Croatian Navy Day Edition*)

The sick details of how Argentine troops in the Falklands War were tortured and abused by their own side.

On the subject of the same war, the Beeb on Will Kevans' graphic novel My Life in Pieces.

Speaking of sick, what the hell ?  Migrant crisis: Smugglers 'deliberately holed boat', says survivor.

What climate-change ?  BBC: The next two years could be the hottest on record globally, says research from the UK's Met Office.

Science magazine: U.S. Navy to limit sonar testing to protect whales.

Gaius Publius on Joe 'Bankruptcy Bill' Biden and the crisis in student-debt in the US.

Two prisoners charged with...making a rap-video in their prison-cell.

'Rainbow Doritos' ?  The politicisation of the rainbow continues apace...as does the inevitable right-wing backlash.

So, that library that the DHS intimidated into shutting down its Tor exit-node ?  Voted to turn it back on as other libraries indicated their support in also hosting exit-nodes.

Part-time Mayor of London, Boris Johnson in hot water after calling London cabbies luddites.  Hmm, wonder what the Deputy Leader of the opposition might have to say on the same subject.

Trump's campaign interpreted thru the lens of professional wrestling.

Matt Bai makes the case for John Kasich as the alternative for the Republican establishment to faltering Jeb Bush.

How (some of) the Republican candidates in the last debate fared via the Flesch-Kincaid Test:

Well it's a start...Elizabeth Warren wants to prevent the use of credit-checks prior to employment.

Bees' needs: US bans new neonicotinoid sulfoxaflor, whilst allowing most other neonicotinoids, suspected for their role in the collapse of bee-colonies.  European Union meanwhile has approved sulfoxaflor, whilst banning most other existing neonicotinoids.  Confused ?

AllDay: The Flying Railroad Between London And Paris That Almost Happened.  (Clickbaity ads. galore too...so be warned)

The call for banning trans fats in the UK.

Nate Silver's visual representation of Hillary Clinton's coverage in the US media:

I'm guessing there will be no forthcoming graphic for the coverage of Chafee, Webb, or even O'Malley, because for the most part, the media doesn't cover (or even acknowledge) them at all.

The Clinton Super PAC allegedly** attempting to link Bernie Sanders to Hugo Chavez, and, via Corbyn, to bin Laden & Hezbollah.

BBC: Nicola Sturgeon: David Cameron 'living on borrowed time'.  I've nothing to add to what I said here & here.

In defence of political correctness on campus...Sarah Silverman.  Critiquing the same...President Barack Obama.  Huh.

Boing Boing: Crown shyness - when trees don't like to touch each other.

Awesome.  Apparently, you have the right to reply to a speeding-ticket...thusly:

The eight Mexican tourists mistaken for terrorists and killed in the desert by Egypt.

In case you've been living under a rock, the student in Texas arrested for bringing his homemade clock to school.  Islamophobia ?

The call for a ban on sex-robots.

Better battery-life with iOS9 ?  Colour me sceptical.

MediaMatters: Watching GOP Debate Was Like "Watching 11 Rush Limbaughs".

And finally, the countries of the world as sized by their stock-markets:

* Why the fuck not ?

** Don't have any reason to doubt it, but why aren't they publishing the actual e-mail ?  With redactions if needed.

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