19 July, 2015

What ? I Paid 'Em for It Afterwards !

Deposition: Cosby paid women to keep affairs secret 
NEW YORK — Bill Cosby, in sworn testimony a decade ago, said he had paid women after sex to keep the affairs from his wife, suggested he was skilled at understanding nonverbal cues for sexual consent and called one of his accusers a liar.
The New York Times reported the revelations Saturday after obtaining a copy of a transcript from a deposition Cosby gave in a lawsuit filed by a former Temple University employee who alleges he drugged and molested her.
According to excerpts from the deposition released a month ago, and first obtained by The Associated Press, Cosby admitted he procured Quaaludes with the intent of giving them to young women he wanted to have sex with.
The Times, citing the transcript, reports that Cosby told lawyers for Andrea Constand, who worked at Temple in Philadelphia and brought the suit, that he was a “pretty decent reader of people and their emotions in these romantic sexual things.”
He said he offered to pay for Constand’s education and paid another woman whom he had met in 1976. He said he funneled money to one of the women he had sex with through his agent so his wife wouldn’t find out.
Cosby’s publicist, David Brokaw, did not immediately return a message seeking comment late Saturday.
So, it's not so much that Cosby drugged and raped women, as that he drugged and raped women, then tried to pay them off afterwards so his wife wouldn't find out.  Well that's much better.
At points during the deposition, Cosby also described his sexual encounters with the women in detail.
The deposition also paints Cosby as emotionally charming, but he also spoke about disregarding relationships to pursue other women.
He suggested he was skilled at understanding women and nonverbal cues signaling sexual consent.
Wonder what the specific nonverbal cues are for 'please drug me into unconsciousness and then rape me' ?  Completely imaginary ones existing only within Cosby's head perhaps ?

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