10 July, 2015

Daily Kos on Trump's Inconsistencies

When he last ran for president, Trump proposed a massive tax on billionaires

What were his beliefs? At the time, Trump said he was “very pro-choice,” endorsed single-payer as solution to our healthcare crisis—and told Meet the Press he was open-minded to supporting gay marriage.
But on one issue that would affect billionaires like him personally, Donald Trump could not have been more liberal. According to this CNN article from 1999, Trump proposed erasing the national debt—with a one-time “wealth tax” on the mega-rich.
Trump, a prospective candidate for the Reform Party presidential nomination, is proposing a one-time "net worth tax" on individuals and trusts worth $10 million or more.
And he even used language that would later become slogans for the Occupy movement to sell his proposal.
“By my calculations, 1 percent of Americans, who control 90 percent of the wealth in this country, would be affected by my plan,” Trump said. “The other 99 percent of the people would get deep reductions in their federal income taxes … Personally this plan would cost me hundreds of millions of dollars, but in all honesty, it’s worth it.”

It really is all a game.  A performance.  And the media just laps it up unquestioningly.

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