15 July, 2015

Laibach To Perform in an Actual Old-School Totalitarian Shithole

North Korea allows 'first foreign band to perform'
Controversial Slovenian pop group Laibach will be the first foreign band to perform in North Korea, director Morten Traavik has told the BBC.
Mr Traavik has arranged for the group to play two concerts in Pyongyang in August in front of 2,000 people.
The concert programme will include some of Laibach's hits over their 35-year career and North Korean folk songs.
The band has been slated by some critics because of its ambiguous use of political and nationalist imagery.
But admirers say that their tendency to wear military uniforms on stage is a critique of totalitarian ideology.
Norwegian director Mr Traavik says that in North Korea they will be uncontroversial - even performing songs from The Sound of Music.

Brilliant.  And the kicker is that Kim Jong Loon probably doesn't even see through the schtick, and thinks that Laibach are for real.  Fan-fuckin'-tastic.

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