25 July, 2015

Left Luggage

Come across this sort of crap all the time, and never post anything either because a) I don't have any particular take, and/or b) it's a few days or maybe even weeks old, and thus not technically still news ? *

Alternet: Which Advanced Country Has the Most Climate Skeptics ?  (Hint, their PM is an arsehole)
BBC: Engineers create emergency origami bridge
Telegraph: Has Kim Kardashian just fixed Twitter? (Actually about the ability to re-edit Tweets)
Occupy.com: The U.K. Is Privatizing Aid to the Developing World As Corporations Seek Their Cut
BBC: Aircraft 'bomb bag' limits on board explosion impact

Don't really like lists of links, but seems a waste to just let this shit evaporate unused.**  Dunno.

* Never mind the shitty browser crashing and taking all my tabs with it.  Technology sucks.
** And never, the demon Twitter.  Crosses self twice.

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