26 July, 2015


Mike Huckabee is a religious extremist.  In the runup to his last bid for the presidency, he tried to soften his image, and moderate his message.  And did so quite convincingly -- I almost fell for it myself at times.  He then nabbed a show on Fox News, and immediately reverted to type, spouting religious fanatacism, hatred and intolerance day in, day out, all of it on tape.

He knows that he has no chance of winning over moderates a second time around, and thus, no chance at the presidency.  He is 'running' for the Republican nomination in order to raise money, and to raise his profile in conservative circles.

And so, if cynically invoking the Shoah in reference to the Nuclear deal with Iran, and implicitly linking Obama & Kerry to Nazism, provokes outage, then job done !  The more outrage the better form Huckabee's point of view.  The man is a shameless self-aggrandising huckster, and unworthy of any serious consideration or attention.

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