24 July, 2015

Look At Me, Look At Me !

Oh how the Russians were mocked when they put out a guide to 'safe selfies' as it were.

Those crazy Russians, posing with dangerous weapons, and in front of dangerous animals.  But then again, maybe the Russian government is just a little ahead of the curve on this.

A series of injuries at Yellowstone National Park has officials warning tourists that selfies and bison don't mix.
A 43-year-old Mississippi woman was thrown into the air recently after she turned her back on a bison to take a photo of herself with it.
Four other tourists have been hurt in similar incidents this year, Yellowstone officials said.
Previously bison attacks had been unusual, they added.
"The (woman) said they knew they were doing something wrong but thought it was OK because other people were nearby," park spokeswoman Amy Bartlett told the Associated Press.
"People are getting way too close."

Selfies with bisons.

But hey, it's like a wild cow (as if a cow couldn't kill ya), right ?  I didn't realise it was dangerous...

Westerners surely wouldn't be stupid enough to take pictures with:
Well, okay, then.  But westerners wouldn't do something dumb like pose for selfies with guns, would they ?

What a species we are.

Update: Story at http://www.cnet.com/news/people-taking-bear-selfies-closed-this-colorado-park/ on bear-selfies states regarding the same tweet above that the 'photo was actually taken from a Katmai National Park platform with rangers present.'

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