10 July, 2015

This Will Catch on any Moment Now

So, if you haven't seen, United Russia* has developed what the media is characterising as a counter to the 'gay-pride' rainbow-flag.  The design of which being stolenborrowed from a French group opposed to same-sex marriage, La Manif Pour Tous, except that the Russian version has one extra child, which is supposedly symbolic of traditional Russian values.

I had thought that the three kids was a little optimistic for ya know...Russia, but checking the stats., turns out Putin has instituted various bribes to would-be mothers that have helped bring the birthrate up now to a rate of 1.7 children, which is apparently better than other European countries.  Who knew ?

Not sure at what event the flag of the French group is flying, but it looks ever so slightly better attended that the Russian event, which I gather from Russian sources, was expected to attract more than a thousand families.  Perhaps would-be supporters were put off by the fact that they found the flag just a little bit 'gay' for their liking...

But, still, I'm sure it'll take off on the internet and go viral any moment now...

Oh dear.

* IE, the one party of the increasingly one-party state.  IE, the party that Putin represents.

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