30 July, 2015

Everything's Bigger in Texas After All

One of the great gifts (intentional or not) to the Democratic Party in Donald Trump's bid for the nomination of the GOP is the way he's been tearing down, or attempting to tear down, one of his Republican rivals after another, in an entirely uninhibited way, often with entirely valid criticism.

Such as with blood-thirsty fan of state-sanctioned killings* of people who may or not be guilty, may or not be competent, Rick Perry -- best remembered from the last elections for his 'Oops' facepalm-moment in the debates.

Rick Perry seems to believe that wearing glasses might make him come across as more mentally competent this time around, such that he now seemingly never appears in public without them.  And of course, Trump has no problem in calling out Perry's use of the glasses to make himself seem smarter, no problem questioning his mental competence.

So, how does Rick Perry respond to Trump's criticism ?  How does he do so in a way, that demonstrates his competence and credibility as candidate for the highest office in the land ?

Why, by challenging Donald Trump to a contest to see who can perform the most pull-ups, of course.  Just about the most stupid macho pissing-contest-style response (short of proposing an actual pissing-contest of course)**, imaginable.

And thus the man who came across as an even dumber version of George W Bush last time around, proves he still has that...special touch.

* 279, baby !  Beat that if you can !

** The simile works equally well with another 'contest', but the other's just a bit too vulgar.***

*** Which didn't stop my hinting at it in the title of the post.

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