28 July, 2015

Feel the Bern ! Or Not

Somehow this video just sums up perfectly for me the Bernie Sanders campaign.  And is a complete 180 from the slickly produced and carefully scripted videos Hillary puts out.

Here we have the guy speaking, not in a packed stadium to thousands of supporters, but in someone's living room*, surrounded largely by overweight pasty white folk, as he dishes on the evil Koch brothers, whilst the guy to his right yawns and picks his teeth.  And in which he manages to both shush his supporters, and tell them 'you should know that'.

The old guy's got a good message, can't deny.  I predict he'll make an excellent mayor of Burlington, VT.

From a page on C&L entitled ironically enough, 'Bernie Electrifies Crowds In Louisiana With Climate Change Message'.

* Just imagine Hillary doing this.  No, no, just try.

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