01 July, 2015

Today(ish) in Republicans Saying Horrible Things

Tom DeLay on the recent decision on same-sex-marriage by the Supreme Court:
Well, we've already found a secret memo coming out of the Justice Department. They're now going to go after twelve new perversions: things like bestiality, polygamy, having sex with little boys and making that legal. And not only that, but they have a whole list of strategies to go after the churches, the pastors, and any businesses that tries to assert their religious liberty. This is comin' and it's coming like a tidal wave....They're coming down with twelve new perversions, and LGBT just isn't, is only the beginning. They're going to start expanding it to the other perversions.
Very precise, and very magical number that: twelve.

Rick Perry on the Supreme Court striking down Texas' absurd law requiring abortion-clinics to maintain hospital-level facilities:
"The Supreme Court's stay unnecessarily puts lives in danger by allowing unsafe facilities to continue to perform abortions," said the Republican presidential candidate in a statement. "I am confident the court will ultimately uphold these commonsense measures to protect the health and safety of Texas women."
Women's health, yeah that's what he's concerned about in shutting down clinics that often provide other services for women's health, beside abortion.

 Bill O'Reilly on the Affordable Care Act and the Supreme Court:
Now on healthcare, the issue is again greater good. Obamacare is obviously yet another federal entitlement program designed to help poor Americans at the expense of non-poor Americans. The president sold the law on the basis that it's a benefit for all; but only his party bought that....Subsequently, health insurance costs have risen for many working Americans, and a significant number of Doctors are refusing to take government-mandated insurance programs. But the four liberal judges don't really care about the overall impact of Obamacare. They want free healthcare for the poor.  That's what they want. And they'll find a legal justification for it, no matter what!  the actual law says. Add in Roberts and Kennedy, and presto! another enormous social safety-net that benefits the have-nots survives a valid legal challenge.
Note that there is no overlap between 'working Americans' and 'poor Americans' for Billo.

Rand Paul, who just met with racist anti-government radical Cliven Bundy:

You can be a minority because of the color of your skin or the shade of your ideology.

Erick Erickson on same-sex marriage and homosexuality:
First of all, you're only talkin' three to five percent of the population. Now, I know a lot of people, the thought is that you're born gay. That's, actually not really true in most cases. In some cases, I think it probably is. But in a lot of cases, if you got back to it, there are parental issues, there's abuse, and and that has a lot to do with it. And as you see a collapse of family -- I don't think that it's a coincidence that a collapse of family is, is directly inverse proportional or inverse related to the rise in people who identify as being gay.
Are we really living in the year 2015 ?  Sure it's not still 1985 ?

Bryan Fischer, on how the Supremes' ruling on same-sex marriage, is enciting terrorism:
I've not heard any body talking about this angle of what the Supreme Court did on Friday in their ruling imposing sodomy-based marriage on the United States of America. Now the whole world, this includes the Supreme Court, they know how the religion of peace deals with homosexuals -- they tie them to chairs and they throw them off of eight-storey buildings, and if they survive the fall, they stone them to death....Now how does the Muslim world justify their attacks on the United States ? Because they believe that we are the chief exporter of wickedness and decadence in the world. That's why they call us 'The Great Satan'. When we insult their god, their religion, their prophet, or their values, they claim a divine sanction to punish us for our transgressions. Now, the Left, interesting enough, actually agrees with the Muslim world on this score. Remember what happened with Pamela Geller and her 'Draw Mohammed Contest' in Garland, Texas. When the, when two Muslims shot the place up, who did the Left blame? They blamed Pamela Geller. She had provoked, she had incited, she had insulted the blessed prophet Mohammed and thus had brought this violence on herself. According to the Left, she got what she deserved. But now, what the Supreme Court did on Friday was to insult and offend the entire Muslim world, by celebrating and gloating and gushing over a sin that Muslims regard as so offensive to Allah that its practitioners must be thrown to their deaths. So the Supreme Court just gave the Muslim world another reason to attack us, and a terrorist attack appears imminent. So, if Muslims attack us, and they refer in any way to our celebration of homosexuality as part of the reason, then according to Liberals, culpability must be laid for that attack at the feet of the United States Supreme Court.
He'll be jumping for joy the second a bomb goes off, and the ambulance-sirens start to be heard in the distance.  'See, I told ya! It's the fault of all those perverted corrupt homosexual Liberals destroyin' America!'

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