05 June, 2015

That US Presidential Candidate Tracker Thing

No, I haven't been updating it.  I hesitated as new candidates entered the race, as to whether I should add Carly Fiorina & Bernie Sanders despite both not having a cat in hell's chance of winning their respective nominations, and since then the field has just continued to balloon ridiculously.  To have a usable web-graphic, I think something like an image of a cartoony train-carriage, looping around the page would be necessary, and I'm not sure I'm up to it.  At this point, the whole thing is a farce, as is the continuing use of the word 'democracy' to describe the elections.

I mean, yes, many countries have mock-candidates.  John Oliver did a bit on the joke-candidacies as a result of mandatory voting in Brasil, and the Monster Raving Loony Party is a bona fide staple of British elections, but...these people are going to make millions and millions of dollars out of pretending to run for president.  While in the background, the country's multi-billionaires decide amongst themselves the actual winner...

I mean, shit, I can just about identify 2/3 of these assholes, but I'm guessing the average American would struggle to get above low single digits.

That fascist in the far-lower right-hand corner is maybe worth paying attention, as is, solely due to his name, his opposite in the far-upper left-hand corner.  And third from right in the top row, well, that motherfucker's a terrifying prospect given his record and the American public's gullibility.  As for Mister second from the far-left top corner, well...

Dramas involving bridges or not...are you really going to elect...this guy ?*

Let's just chug a quart or two of bleach in honour of Auntie Hill becoming the US' next semi-benevolent dictator...

* Although honestly, Chris Christie is far and away actually one of the better candidates from the GOP.

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