11 June, 2015

Uh, WTF Diane Rehm ?

Bernie Sanders, the senator from Vermont who is vying for the Democratic nomination for president, took offense on Wednesday to a statement from a radio talk show host who suggested that he is a dual Israeli-American citizen.
According to a report in the online news magazine Politico, Sanders, who is Jewish, was surprised when WAMU radio host Diane Rehm remarked during their interview, "Senator, you have dual citizenship with Israel."
The liberal senator, who is officially an independent but is running as a Democrat, replied: "Well, no I do not have dual citizenship with Israel. I'm an American. I don't know where that question came from. I am an American citizen, and I have visited Israel on a couple of occasions. No, I'm an American citizen, period."
Rehm, whose show is syndicated nationwide by National Public Radio, said that she learned of Sanders’ purported citizenship status from “a list” that was circulating on the Internet which alleges that a number of senior figures in Congress and the administration hold Israeli citizenship.
"That's some of the nonsense that goes on in the Internet. But that is absolutely not true," Sanders said.

Didn't even know that Sanders was Jewish, but even so, and even if he did hold Israeli citizenship, who gives a shit ?  Until very recently, having been born there, Ted Cruz was a Canadian citizen.  And yet no-one seems to care (unlike the situation with a certain other sitting president say).  And no fact-checking, really ?  Time to consider retirement Diane ?

<Checks Wikipedia, curious about Diane's age (she doesn't exactly sound young, not to be rude), and wait, 'Arab-American', really ?>  Oh shit, this is a potential minefield here.  Time to shut the fuck up...

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