16 June, 2015

US Campaign Logos for 2016

Presidential candidates in the United States have used logos for their campaigns, since, well forever practically.  But whereas in the old days you could just choose a font, possibly a red, white, and/or blue colour theme, and maybe a star or a few stripes, and no-one really cared one way or another, it seems these days there is much more scrutiny given to the logos than before*, presumably due to that oh-so-iconic logo from Obama's campaign in 2008.

But I was only aware of a few, and was curious to see a complete roundup (Having now done so, I am either an idiot or sucker for pain, or quite possibly both).

The big ones of course:

know I've seen this combination before.  Something from the seventies presumably.  Looks better with the '¡'

Is the arrow an early indication, that, like her husband, shortly into her presidency, Hillary will betray her roots and tack sharply to the right ?

The fiery:

Yet another candidate who assumes he's on first-name basis with the electorate.  Okay, I guess.

Nothing says support for fossil-fuels like a gas-flame in your logo.

The Young:

Never mind the lowercase font and run-on text.  It takes some balls to actually reduce the contiguous United States to a bloody punctuation-mark in your official campaign-logo.

And the Old:

Now, this is an old-school logo.  Psst, Bernie, no-one knows who the hell you are, and two years from now,...they still won't.

And the rest:

I kinda like this, especially with the font & offset of the name.  Horrible person who will never be president nonetheless.

Uhm, 'Carsonamerica' sounds like some terrible fatal disease to me.  Do not like at all.

Bland, corporate, soulless, easily forgettable label for a bland, corporate, soulless candidate.  And again with the fuckin' first names.

Why even bother ?  The Repubs. won't vote for you for Lindsay.  And whether the rumours are true or not, you know they won't, and you know why.

Send money !  Buy my book !

A not-so-fresh logo for another guy no-ones ever fuckin' heard of.

Reminds me of some odd mishmash of a sperm, the logo of a baseball-team, and the 'More you Know' logo.

The guy from the Irish pub.  Or the auto-mechanic.  Or maybe it's a logo for tax-preparation-software.  Some O'Malley anyways.

Are you sure this isn't the logo found from the inside waistband of some khaki shorts ?

And finally, we'll find out in the next twenty-four hours if this asshole is pretend-running for president, and, if so, if this is his logo.

About what you'd expect from The Donald.

Damn, there's a lot of them.   And I couldn't easily find good sources for them all.

Anyways, even if you're an American, you still don't know who half these people are anyway, do you ?  Just vote for Voldemort already.  You know you want to.  Just...Don't...Say...The...Name...Out...Loud.

* Well for certain candidates at least.  Maybe Fox News could use polling of public recognition of the logos to help winnow the entrants for their debates.

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